Saturday, April 9, 2011

i've been doing lots of crafting lately, and i am thinking about creating an etsy page to sell some stuff to support our journey! there's a hat i made! still working on more to start a page, but if you already know you want something specific let me know. i can do hats, socks, arm warmers, scarves, etc. have you own little piece of our journey and support our travels!

we are probably leaving cleveland sunday and heading north to Knoxville to visit Luke's aunt and then Indiana to see the rest of his family! its funny, i feel so settled after being here so long, but its exciting to get moving again. its been nice to just have some time to work on creative things and not think about everything for awhile. thanks amy and paul and animal friends for letting us stay with you so long! its been so much fun! i'd say my favorites were roller skating, bonfire with giant marshmallows, and True Blood marathon. i can't wait for season 4!!!! maybe we will come back then to watch it haha!

well, soon to hit the road, more to come!


  1. Aww K-smeesh, that hat is so super cute! I'd definitely buy it if I saw it on etsy. Nice work. <3

  2. Glad to hear you're doing well!
