me and luke's dad at taste of tippecanoe
welp, who woulda thought, still in indiana. not me. or luke. but we are outa money for now. we are both working some. i've been entertaining myself by working out obsessively, which has paid off and i've lost 10 pounds and have ripped arms now! so that's probably the only thing i've got going for me now. (note: these pictures are pre-ripped)
other than that, i'd say this whole plan has failed entirely. have i said that before? i have no money, no career, no place (that i really want) to go, no material posessions other than too many clothes and hula hoops, and luke and i aren't even sure things are going to go in the same direction for us. so now what. am i ending up completely alone and helpless? thanks alot, inspiration to go travel...
yet i still kept on hearing in my head "move!" which i now have reinterpreted as i needed to move my body continuously, such as exercise, yoga, walking, bike riding, anything i possibly can do to not sit still too long, and this realization has brought me much more contentedness. so maybe i figured out that thing i was trying to figure out by doing this whole big thing. before, when i heard "move", it might not have meant location......oops.
if i wasn't entirely before, i have reached a point of utter, complete, and overwhelming confusion.
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