walkin the cow
that ride where the big boat swings back and forth ya know
Luke and I had a lovely date at the fair, hanging out in 100 degree weather with stinky animals, eatin funnel cakes and drinking lemonade. i'd say we renewed our love a little bit.
what else does one do when its this hot outside? we saw Harry Potter, that was a highlight of the week i guess. and True Blood! isnt this exciting to read about on a blog? things I've watched. should i start making a list?
after freaking out some about my life, i got over it and realized sometimes it takes getting rid of everything i can possibly imagine to remember things i've forgotten, and reconnect to myself as a divinity filled being experiencing the gift of embodiment. it is also a great opportunity, having a blank canvas, to create whatever i want in my life from here. also, i bought a $100 mini laptop at the pawnshop. so i do have something! which of course is for writing my cookbook! and you thought i'd forgotten about that....
i got a job as a yoga teacher at a sort of gym. its like an appointment with personal trainers only gym. nice atmosphere and great people, lovely green yoga room, and the other yoga teacher reminds me so much of my first teacher, Debra! this makes me happy. its also just an awesome opportunity because they are basically giving me free reign to do, well, whatever i want i guess. i can teach as many classes as i want whenever i want and charge as much as i want and get half and teach and do whatever i want! im really excited to build on my teaching skills and confidence, and share where its something less accessible. also, i went to my first Zumba class there today, and the other students were so friendly and interested in talking to me and open to what i had to say. Zumba was pretty fun, not as tiring as i expected. good for coordination. seeing myself in the mirror dancing in the "latin american style" made me feel like a crazy monkey doing some sort of tribal dance with my long gangly limbs. but the others said i was so coordinated and doing really good. so, go me! maybe i just have this image of myself that i see that i've made in my head, and its not actually what i look like. but just for a good laugh, imagine me doing Zumba. monkey style.
yesterday Luke said, "maybe we should just stay here for awhile" and i had thought the same thing earlier that day. right now we have some opportunities here and everything we need at the moment. so its ok to not know where i want to go next. because apparently i dont need to go anywhere. but man, who woulda thought. indiana. whats next, a greased up watermelon contest? oh right, we're going to that today. yep, we're in deep.
This makes me happy. You seem much more present and pleased with life than when we last spoke. YOU are amazing, and I am glad you will be sharing your amazingness with the locals thru your yogic teachings. You go girl!!!! Good luck, my lovely smeesh. I miss you!