so we FINALLY got out of the small town of Lafayette (well i guess Purdue is here, but no students right now) and went down to Indianapolis. i dont know why we havent been there yet, other than lack of adequate funding. i looked up some places to go online and planned out a good day of wandering and exploring. first we went to a conservatory that had all these amazing tropical plants, i was so happy there! we saw alot of plants we used to be around all the time in california too. i miss you palm trees and aloe plants! we also happened to be there for the last days of the butterfly exhibit! theres a whole room of flowers and tons of butterflies fluttering all over the place, and a special little greenhouse in there with more butterflies and flowers. so awesome! they were flying around us in all directions, everywhere we turned. definitely a mood enhancer. i was giggling with joy. i think the other people thought i was crazy. i mean, what do you do when a butterfly flies up in your face? anyways, its amazing how uplifting and inspiring plants are, especially exotic tropical ones.
then we went to the only organic coffee shop in the city, which was hard to find, but i was determined to make it happen. so we met some cool people there and had some yummy coffee, gluten free cookies, and a tofu salad sandwich. next we went to the Museum of Art, which is always a fun free thing to do. i havent been to a new art museum in awhile, and i just love being in places with awesome architecture. its just so much more exciting to experience your body in space when it is shaped creatively. saw some art and stuff, checked out the gardens there, and then we were a little worn out already. you must remember, we have been in a 2 bedroom apartment with 6 people for some time now, so this was overwhelming for the senses, you see. so much stimulation! i loved it!
so then we drove by luke's old house from when his family lived here and checked out a park he used to go to as a kid, with lots of trails and over 1000 species of trees, all listed on the map you get. pretty cool!
next we went to a town called Broadripple just outside the city, apparently this is where its at. all the cool people i guess, and healthfood stores, and delicious thai food, all of which we experienced. we had some famous blueberry goat cheese pie from a cafe called the Three Sisters. pretty yummy! overall success.
it was SO good to get out of town. my bubble had started to shrink, you know, where your world consists of the few places you go, and you start to forget there's a whole world out there. the down side is, bringing back this awareness made me get the itch again. i wanna go places! i want all those things out there! i want to see and do more! i am now slightly discontent with being stuck. i know i know, ive been growing and learning and blah blah blah but man i just want to get back out there! i was enjoying my alone time, but now im craving meeting people again. atleast its motivation. luke is pretty grumpy about not being in california, so i guess we are working on getting out of here soonish. of course, then theres things like a guy at the store telling us the native american legend that all who pass through here are destined to die here, and a guy at luke's job telling him about a man who made predictions of the future here in indiana, so far all of which have been true, and he said that indiana will be safe from apocolypse. makes ya wonder, is there a much bigger reason we are here than we even think? maybe so, but we both definitely lost some sleep over that one.....but i dunno, the truth is, i dont think i'd make it through the winter here. i detest the cold. especially when it makes you stuck inside because of snow...
today i finally got a call from starbucks, telling me im starting work thursday. so i guess thats good. im slightly ashamed to be working for such a corporation, but whatever. you do what you gotta do. havent started teaching yoga yet, but we are working on getting some mats there so i can make it happen. also attempting to write the cookbook, but it sure is alot more difficult to organize than i had imagined...
conclusion: i want to be somewhere tropical.
I agree with your conclusion. I miss you.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the job at starbucks! I wont call you a sell out ;) I love you and hope your days are getting better
oooh your nesting skills have vastly improved since we last nested together. How'd you get it to be so sparkly?! sometimes I think all will be good again if we were just in the same place. clearly that is the solution to everything. I love you smeesh. So happy you had a spectacular outing!