its been a busy week! we drove from Indiana to California in 3 days, through Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico (the land of enchantment), and Arizona. we camped a night in Oklahoma, where we were the only campers in RV park, and the designated camping area was a patch of grass by the bathrooms....but we came out on top because we got there late and got up so early that no one was there to pay, so free camping woo! saw a nice texas sunrise and drove for so long in such flat places that i even missed the corn fields to look at. i really loved Sedona, it just seems to pop up out of nowhere. everything is deserty and brown and then you drive up a mountain and there's a beautiful forest and red rocks and it just feels so good there! supposedly there are a few spots there that are some sort of spiritual energy vortexes. so we went to those (they were depicted as a little swirly tornado looking doodle on the map), and saw stunning views, and perhaps got zapped by the vortex or something. i felt a little different i guess. definitely a little crazy and shook up, but in a good way. maybe that's just from the sudden complete flip in my life. i went from having a daily routine that i went through every day in Indiana, and now I'm all over the place! But its fun, I love change. It seems like things change so much each day, and i have no idea what is going to happen the next day. Like I was expecting to work at my old job, but when i got here they didn't put me on the schedule. But then my friend Bree who i'm staying with asked me to help her work at farmer's markets, so I've been doing that. So lots of things like that, where I feel like i can't even make plans for the next day, much less week, because things are changing all the time! It's a little overwhelming. Plus I am so tired from and unsettled feeling from traveling and then working the first 3 days i got here, getting up at 4 and 5am. Today is the first day i've been able to stop and sit still. I've definitely been having tons of fun seeing all my friends here, and I love working at the farmers markets and making good money with a friend. So things are good. I am stuffed with all the things we sell at work, nectarines, peaches, grapes, almonds and apples. I am happy to be in the sunshine at the beach. And I am so ready for a nap right now.