it suddenly feels like winter to me. i already busted out the furry boots, scarves, stockings, and the butternut squash. wasn't it like 100 degrees last week?? i'm coping for now though, with some food for my soul, which i thought i'd share. since i've run out of animals to take pictures of, i now seem to have a food and art blog! the first two pictures i drew (i've been inspired by aerial dancers and acrobats and such), and the third picture i found in a bathroom at a Food Network visited restaurant in Broadripple, Indiana. Broadripple is probably a place we would live, if we stayed here for some reason (for the corn mazes, apparently they are all the rage out here). so I enjoyed some delicious barbecue tempeh sloppy joe, and against the will of the waitress, who though it would be too messy, jazzed it up by my request to add Brie cheese, pineapple, spinach and tomato. i personally think they should update the menu to this new version. messy? yes. good? yesssssss
we then experienced the new flavors of coconut bliss from the the health food store, and i must say chocolate walnut brownie and ginger cookie caramel are tied for my new favorites. the ginger one taste like pumpkin pie! so happy....
this week i've been subbing the other yoga teacher's classes, and i am being very well received! its always a little daunting, teaching students who like their regular teacher, and having to live up to the standards and all. luckily, they really liked my classes, and even asked when i taught my class!
today i made some....
Spicy Butternut Squash
1 butternut squash
1 onion
5 cloves garlic
3 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp salt
1 tsp chipotle powder
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp ginger powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp curry powder
Dice butternut squash, keeping the skin on. Saute garlic in oil on low heat, add diced squash and other ingredients and cover with lid. Cook for about 20 minutes, or until squash is soft.
I ate it with some brown rice cooked with curry powder and cinnamon, on top of kale and spinach. Yummy!
I love the aerial drawings! You have really mastered giving dimension to human form and musculature. When I try to shade someone's arm or leg, they always look like human doughboys. Hehe. I love you smeeeeshhhh! Miss you and ouch it hurts. XoxoxoxoxoXOOOXOXOXO!