so i have been feeling pretty crazy lately, as far as trying to decide where to go next, as i'm sure most of you know. we were planning on leaving for san diego tomorrow, and today i woke up and imagined leaving tomorrow, and i just thought, i can't do it! i don't want to go there! its not where i need to be! so finally, i have admitted this, although it would have been a lot more convenient if i'd decided this before. i have known since i left san diego, 6 months ago, that i wanted to move to oregon. i don't know why, i mean, its cold. everyone knows Kristens do not like cold things, but i just had a feeling that i am being called there, and i still feel it, and i have finally admitted it, despite however irrational it may seem. i'm Kristen. I seem irrational. this is how i live my life. its probably why i have a blog, so i can attempt to explain such things and inspire others to live seemingly irrational lives. i have come to the conclusion that nothing is irrational when it comes to listening to your heart!
so today is the day that i said ok, i will listen! and i felt so much better all day! sometimes the right thing to do might not seem like it is, but you sure can feel it! and when i told my family, they said "We know its right too! We've just been waiting for you to admit it so we could buy your plane ticket to Portland!"
wow! its amazing how things just fall into place without effort when you listen to your heart and stop fighting your mind!
i am however, definitely sad to not see all those i love in san diego. sorry i faked you out.....i must drive people crazy...but i love you all too and will of course see you again sometime!
i am so excited to start a new life in a new place i've never been to, and to be supported and loved!
with that being said, here's some exciting and new recipes to help you support and love yourself:
Spaghetti Squash with Kale and Onion Tomato Sauce
1 small spaghetti squash
1 can tomato sauce (or more if you got a bigger squash and want to feed more people)
4-5 cloves diced garlic
1/2 onion, chopped
5 leaves fresh kale
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp cumin
1 tsp dried basil
sprinkle of salt and pepper
Prepare squash accordingly (it usually has a sticker that tells you how. this time i discovered you can cut it in half, put it face down in a dish with 1/2 cup of water and microwave it 8-10 minutes, which was great since i was hungry and didn't want to wait an hour to bake it!)
In oil, saute garlic and onion about 5 minutes, then add canned sauce and spices, simmering on low heat for about 10 minutes, or maybe until your squash is ready.
Use a fork to scrape out the spaghetti squash. Top with sauce, and maybe some fresh basil, parmesan, or nutritional yeast.
Banana Grape and Nut Salad
handful fresh greens
1/2 large carrot, sliced
1 stalk celery, diced
1/4 golden beet, red beet, or both, diced
handful grapes (i like to cut them in half for some reason, but you don't have to)
1/2 banana sliced
sprinkle of cinnamon and shredded coconut on top
You know what to do, throw it all in a bowl, salad style. I used a berry dressing.
Vegan Pineapple Upside Down Amaretto Spice Cake
1 1/2 cups flour (white, wheat, spelt, whatever)
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp powdered ginger
1 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp cloves
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup maple syrup, agave, honey, or a mix of sugar, molasses, and water
1/4 cup Amaretto Liquer
3/4 cup applesauce
1/4 cup non dairy milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
On top:
1 can pineapple chunks or rings or whatever you got on hand
1/2 cup pecans
Preheat oven to 375. Find yourself a 9 inch round baking pan/dish.
Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl. Add the rest and mix it all up. Dip finger in and taste.
Oil up your pan, then throw in the pecans and pineapple, and pour the batter on top. Lick spoon. Bake 30-35 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean. Let sit a couple minutes, then flip it onto a plate. Now its not upside down!
You can heat up on the stove a can of cherry pie filling and amaretto and pour that on top! Yum!
You could also substitute or add other fruits or nuts on top, like cherries, sliced apple or pear, walnuts, etc.
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