today we checked out Columbian park, a few miles from our house. apparently its all the rage. we drove past a bunch of times and didn't see anything good, but turns out they've got a free zoo and water park! (now why didn't we go to the water park when it was hot out...?) we like free things. i'd never seen a kukabura before, quite different than i imagined! also, the New Guinea singing dogs, extinct in the wild, only living in captive now, had beautiful voices! it was similar to wolves howling, but more musical. i got to ride upon more animal sculptures, a new hobby of mine i've developed since being in indiana. and of course, i'm always excited by butterflies. i'm really beginning to appreciate them more. they are just so beautiful and uplifting! i'm really connecting with my inner butterfly. farm animals though, i'm not so sure about. i always thought it sounded cool to travel the world and work on farms in exchange for places to stay, but i have changed my mind. when it comes to work, i like to be a little more comfortable, and well, lazy i guess. i like teaching yoga and wearing comfy clothes and listening to pretty music and helping people connect with their inner selves. atleast i've admitted it now.
i've been reading some other blogs of people i know lately, and they all seem to have a theme, like fashion, art, etc. mine of course was made to document and share my traveling, but now i've been in the same place for awhile, so hopefully things aren't getting less interesting, but how do you think i feel? i actually live here right now! i'm thinking about doing some art posts too, and more butterflies and stuff since i have so many pictures. i guess my new theme for now can be...animals? thats right. i think animals are cool.
Art posts!! Also, I love the sunflower photo. They're my favorite flower :)