it feels as though a shifting of sorts has taken place. last week i finally started teaching my yoga classes twice a week, and although i only had 3 people in each class, they really loved it and felt good, and i felt really good teaching, so it was a success. I think i've finally made it past the yoga teaching anxiety hump! only took a year....yes, i have been teaching on and off for a year now! but now i don't have that nervous feeling every single class i teach, i just feel good and open to all the possibilities.
i quit Starbucks too. it just wasn't worth it to me, and i want to teach more yoga classes and focus on that while i have the chance and don't have to pay rent. plus my friend Brooks from San Diego and her mom stopped by for a day while traveling from Massachusetts to Oregon, and spending time with her was more important to me! so i just called out and quit, and man does it feel good. that was just not right for me. after less than a week i was so tired and felt like i never wanted to go back ever again! that's a bad sign...so i'm free!
we checked out the Lafayette museum of art, which was pretty small but still fun, and discovered some awesome used book stores with tons of beads and crystals and fun stuff. then we went camping on the prairie, as they call it. it was so nice to spend a night out of the house and under the stars and the orange moon, like a big tangerine slice in the sky. we explored some trails through the tall grass at sunset, saw tons of birds and butterflies, and played with our array of instruments by the fire. it feels so funny when someone you only have seen in a certain place, comes to a place you never expected to be together, like its an out of place situation. its kind of fun. it definitely made me miss everyone even more though to see one of my friends again. it made us want to initiate some new plans and get moving again. we are pondering the idea of getting some seasonal work in Colorado for awhile, before going back to San Diego. Or i would still like to go spend some time in Oregon and northern California too. so, not sure what's in store next quite yet, still working on completing out phase here, and building on my yoga teaching skills while i've got the chance. but we are certainly looking forward again. the desire to expand even more is creeping under my skin once more, urging me to continue to open my eyes to more and more new and wonderful things each day.
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