these are some pictures from a park nearby called Happy Hollow. it really does make me a little happier! its kind of weird here how you can be in corn field country, then suddenly you stumble upon little green places like this. of course, it does run behind houses in a neighborhood, and it does smell like a sewer, but there are some fun little trails in the woods and pretty trees. sometimes I just need a little happy hollow to get back in touch with nature and out of the house.
ok, maybe its definitely getting slightly dull if i find things like this exciting and blog worthy....
yesterday i at least got to go somewhere new for my job! i took a road trip with my boss and some co workers to Champaign, Illinois to work another store. it was fun just to go somewhere new, spend the night in a hotel with the girls, and enjoy some free and delicious mexican food. we were working a back to college event for University of Illinois. I was handing out coupons for college t shirts and stuff, so i got to wear a free U of I shirt, which was pretty funny considering i'd never been to Illinois, knew nothing about this school, and couldn't remember what it was called. i kept saying IU, which I later found out is Indiana University.....oops....but hey i got a free shirt out of it i guess! this weekend we are going to Notre Dame, and we actually have time to do some sight seeing they said and maybe do some dancin! i'm happy just seeing new places, even if they aren't that exciting, getting paid and fed, and bonding with other females. so it all works out. go U of I! and I U! and go corn! wooo!
actually, i really hope somewhere out there, corn is the mascot and someone is dressed in a giant corn cob outfit.....
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