Friday, March 4, 2011

Big Sur Day 3: A Bump in the Night

yesterday was sunny! today its even warmer. yesterday we went to see the waterfall onto the beach but it was too foggy as you can see in the pictures. The fog was beautiful enough though. Spent the rest of the day being lazy and had a campfire to cook dinner on. We had roased asparagus and carrots with honey, cinnamon, and fresh rosemary Lucas found, and some yummy baked beans and leftover mashed sweet potatoes and beets from our last supper with Lisa! So good! Then Lucas showed off his talent of playing the flute and the drum at the SAME TIME! Quite amazing I'd say.
Then suddenly in the pitch black of the night, i was awoken by Luke calling my name. He was still and silent for a minute, perched up listening. I held my breath in fear and anger of being awoken. He felt something poking his arm from underneath the tent! I didn't believe him and thought he was crazy. Soon it happened again. He placed my arm where he felt it, and surely something was under there! It kept popping up for the next hour in different spots. We shined a light on the spot and saw it move! He proceeded to stomp the area in hopes to scare the creature. Satisfied we tried to sleep again. Soon enough it happened again. We never figured out what it was. He hopes it was a gopher, while I had a dream that we looked under the tent and found a snake. Whatever it was, we couldn't find any evidence in the morning, other then some holes and loose dirt where it must have burrowed. Luckily we checked out of our campsite at noon today, and don't have to face it again!
So now, we continue north, up to Monterey and Santa Cruz.

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