Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Winds Have Changed!

drastic change of plans (or i guess there wasn't a plan anyways)
we're going to Vegas!
the weather isn't to hot northward, and we don't feel its time to give up and go home, and vegas popped up and we both felt that it was right! it feels right to do something that we hadn't thought of before. all the options in california just weren't feeling perfect to me, so i thought "why limit ourselves to just one state?" i mean, wouldn't that be pretty silly when the "plan" is to have no plan and go where the wind takes us? there's no reason we should do things we don't feel we need or want to do. so there ya go. we're going where its sunny and the hotels are cheaper than camping.
and hopefully we will be abundant and prosperous!
wish us luck!


  1. Vegas??!! That's super exciting! Best of luck to you and Loooooke. I'll ask Danielle if she has any recommendations or connections for you. :)

    Mucho Love to you, my Smeeshernut Squash!

  2. I just signed up so I could "comment". Love your stuff!!! WONDERFUL pix, glorious scenery. You 2 must be having an ADVENTURE of a lifetime, with everyday a NEW adventure. I love you both ~
