We did just see Mike Gordon from the band Phish on the street though! he's playing in town tonight. Maybe that's the reason we are still here?
yesterday we went to a free didgerido making class, you can see it in the picture where Luke is playing it. It's made from ABS pipe, beeswax for the mouth piece, and then some decorative paint! Pretty cool to have a homemade aboriginal insturment for 5 dollars. On another music related note, Luke just bought a mandolin at a pawn shop. He's very excited.
last night we camped at Sunset Beach in Watsonville. Note to all readers, don't live in Watsonville! And probably don't camp there either. There was an excess of racoons taunting us, peeking out with their shining eyes looking at us around trees. Also, a siren that went off for atleast an hour around 8 o'clock. We were afraid it might be a weather alert, like tsunami or flash floods or something. We called Luke's dad and he googled it; apparently it an alert for the fieldworkers or something? In the morning the camp ranger said it should only go off for a second. Malfunction perhaps? Nonetheless, we opted to sleep in the truck. Warmer, quieter, less racoon accessible. How annoying! The beach really was nice though. Giant sand dunes and endless untouched beach with lots of sand dollars!
So what's next? Should we keep going North? everyone else says yes (meaning our war veteran friend George we met). Maybe i just feel discouraged by this particular town. It makes me feel like nothing is happening and I'm just wasting my time. I think I'm realizing that my unsatisfaction is coming from within though. I felt lost before and instinct said I needed to go somewhere to figure it out. Turns out I'm just feeling more lost. I'm happiest when we are in nature somewhere beautiful just enjoying it. But then the night always creeps in and the uncertainty of the darkness brings up all the fears. Who are we when we can't see and we don't know?
Hopefully only one more night here. Then up through San Francisco to the Lost Coast, back into the forest.
I love you. i know it sucks feeling lost, especially when you are actively trying to change that state of being. But you are such a beautiful spirit and you're meant to travel around and share that spirit with others. I know you may feel stuck at times while you're on this journey, but I think you really are making the most of your time. It really seems like you're enjoying it and this will help you find what you're looking for in the end :) Keep shining!! I can't wait to hear about vegas...I know we would cause trouble there ;)